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book review

Why great powers fight, and why they cooperate

Why great powers fight, and why they cooperate

A prominent IR theorist’s new book explains why 'dynamic realism' offers a compelling narrative on economics shaping geopolitics

'Misfit in Moscow' takes aim at UK's failed Russia strategy

'Misfit in Moscow' takes aim at UK's failed Russia strategy

Ian Proud served at the British Embassy and offers a scathing critique of how his country has handled the Ukraine crises

Cartoonish claims about nuclear war scenario are unhelpful
Washington Politics

Cartoonish claims about nuclear war scenario are unhelpful

A new book falls short by treating nuclear war as an incomprehensible horror, rather than something human beings might do for human reasons


What drove Russia's invader turn?

A new book looks at the 'balance of threat theory' and asks us to see beyond cult of personality and ideological motivations

Logic of a forgotten American atrocity is alive today

Logic of a forgotten American atrocity is alive today

Washington has much to learn from new research chronicling the US massacre of the Moros in the Philippines in 1906

A chat with the devil beats a lifetime in hell
Global Crises

A chat with the devil beats a lifetime in hell

In a new book, Pierre Hazan gives an insider’s account of the importance of peace talks