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biden administration

Critics: US ultimatum to Israel a 'cynical' election ploy

Critics: US ultimatum to Israel a 'cynical' election ploy

The 30 day deadline conveniently comes after the presidential election

How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military

How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military

In 2021 the administration said it would pursue ‘relentless diplomacy.’ They call it something else today in Ukraine.

Disinformation dilemma: US hands are way dirty, too
Military Industrial Complex

Disinformation dilemma: US hands are way dirty, too

As Biden cracks down on Russian interference in our elections, a look at what the Pentagon has been doing overseas

All eyes on Biden, but can they see how close we are to war?

All eyes on Biden, but can they see how close we are to war?

More than ever the president appears willing to cross any red line against Russia for Ukraine

Biden: Like the nation, I am indispensable too
Washington Politics

Biden: Like the nation, I am indispensable too

The idea that he has been running the world betrays a dangerous arrogance about his importance — and current reality

By the numbers: US Gaza pier project appears sunk

By the numbers: US Gaza pier project appears sunk

You decide whether it was worth it