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biden administration

Washington Politics

Biden's 'foreign policy for the middle class' was a bust

Why not call it what it was — a boon for arms industry executives — the one percent

A bucket list for Biden
Military Industrial Complex

A bucket list for Biden

The president has 70 days. He can get a lot done — if he sets his mind and the power of the office to it.


Advocates demand Biden de-classify Ukraine strategy

We don’t want a situation where we’re engaged in a war without an achievable plan for victory’

Critics: US ultimatum to Israel a 'cynical' election ploy

Critics: US ultimatum to Israel a 'cynical' election ploy

The 30 day deadline conveniently comes after the presidential election

How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military

How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military

In 2021 the administration said it would pursue ‘relentless diplomacy.’ They call it something else today in Ukraine.

Disinformation dilemma: US hands are way dirty, too
Military Industrial Complex

Disinformation dilemma: US hands are way dirty, too

As Biden cracks down on Russian interference in our elections, a look at what the Pentagon has been doing overseas