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belt and road

Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco, Joe Biden

Why Biden is going to Angola

The president is laying the groundwork for competition with China in Africa while trying to shore up his legacy

Mohammed bin Salman Narendra Modi Joe Biden

Can the US compete with China's Belt & Road Initiative?

The US is key to an ambitious new plan connecting India, the Middle East, and Europe.

The tedious China scare in Latin America

The tedious China scare in Latin America

Critics are worried about Beijing's investments in the region but a closer look shows they barely exist, much less pose a threat.


War in Ukraine is hamstringing China's 'Belt and Road Initiative'

Russia's invasion is costing Beijing trade revenue and turning BRI investments into a total loss.


China has been a failure at hegemony, so let's just chill

From the foundering Belt & Road Initiative to its so-called 'wolf warrior' strategy, Beijing is just not the threat we make it out to be.

Middle East

China’s BRI crown jewel in Pakistan has turned into a powder keg

Its port project is a flashpoint for protests and extremism, putting at risk a multi-billion dollar investment.