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Walter Hatch


The slow walk of US Marines from Okinawa

Despite years of promises, only a handful of American forces have actually left as fears loom of a rising China

south korea martial law

Competing 'nationalisms' led to shocking showdown in Seoul

This zero-sum left-right confrontation does not bode well for Korea’s future.

 Shigeru Ishiba

Election leaves Japan in a mess

However a coalition is achieved, China hawks will still dominate in Tokyo

Japan's new PM may have a bone to pick with the US

Japan's new PM may have a bone to pick with the US

Shigeru Ishiba views the relationship as 'asymmetrical' — with Washington largely dictating Tokyo's foreign policy

China hawks dominate pool for Japan’s next prime minister

China hawks dominate pool for Japan’s next prime minister

Only one candidate favors engaging Beijing, and he has the fewest US ties