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The dystopian future of military AI (VIDEO)
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The dystopian future of military AI (VIDEO)

Swarming drones promise to be the latest unfulfilled and over-expensive weapons 'revolution' at the Pentagon

Will US troops have to  go to war for Mohammed bin Salman? (VIDEO)
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Will US troops have to go to war for Mohammed bin Salman? (VIDEO)

Biden appears ready to do anything to get Saudi Arabia and Israel together

Did Biden just escalate the Gaza War?
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Did Biden just escalate the Gaza War?

The chances for Americans to get dragged into the conflict just got greater

Biden has the leverage to stop the war in Israel
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Biden has the leverage to stop the war in Israel

But it only works if he decides to use it. What is he waiting for?

Did a foreign agent control the Foreign Relations Committee?
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Did a foreign agent control the Foreign Relations Committee?

A FARA charge against Sen. Menendez follows federal bribery indictments claiming he used his influence to increase US aid and weapons to Egypt.

Video: Why is the US training African coup leaders?
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Video: Why is the US training African coup leaders?

Evidence suggests Washington is doing more harm than good with its counter-terror strategy in the Sahel.