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Our China policy is a disaster for US security & prosperity

Our China policy is a disaster for US security & prosperity

Scolding, rebuking, sanctioning is having the opposite effect and the administration seems content with the results

What the US can learn from Vietnam's Four No's

What the US can learn from Vietnam's Four No's

Amid deepening ties, Washington should recognize that Hanoi's regional strategy sits far beyond any singular focus on China

Middle East

A new world? The Middle East tries cooperation alongside competition

Interesting signs that the region's powers are less interested in armed conflict than they are about forms of gaining influence today.

Biden chooses to keep Trump China tariffs right where they are

Biden chooses to keep Trump China tariffs right where they are

The announcement comes with a US pledge to engage in 'a new, holistic, and pragmatic approach' to Beijing's trade practices.

Middle East

High stakes: How sanctions relief could impact EU-Iran trade

The new Iranian administration may agree on a revised JCPOA with the U.S. But if the economic benefits are paltry, political support will drain away.


Washington is playing a losing game with China

To hold its own with China, the United States must renew its competitive capacity and build a demonstrably better governed society.