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At Abu Ghraib, torture 'in the eye of the beholder'

At Abu Ghraib, torture 'in the eye of the beholder'

20 years since the Iraq War prison scandal, victims are still in court and Washington still trying to forget

Why won’t Biden close Gitmo?

Why won’t Biden close Gitmo?

The prison camp is still hobbling along 22 years after the first War on Terror detainees arrived

Middle East

Torture files: how the most notorious scandal in Iraq came from GiTMO

Still no reckoning for those who took criminal interrogation tactics from the dark corners of the GWOT and blew them up at Abu Ghraib.

Military Industrial Complex

Another Durham review in need of investigation: torture

Lawmakers want to examine the special counsel's investigation into Russia-gate. But let's not forget his other flawed inquiry, years ago.

After inspiring 'Zero Dark Thirty,' she wants to inspire your best life
North America

After inspiring 'Zero Dark Thirty,' she wants to inspire your best life

Once called the "Queen of Torture," Alfreda Scheuer has found a new gig — and by the way, she doesn't regret a thing.

Torture killed every single avenue for 9/11 terror prosecution
Military Industrial Complex

Torture killed every single avenue for 9/11 terror prosecution

What happens when suspects have permanent brain damage? America is about to find out as plea deals replace anticipated trials.