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south america

Daniel Noboa
Latin America

Lobbyists pushing disastrous 'Plan Ecuador' for struggling president

As the country's crime rates soar, incumbent Daniel Noboa looks to foreign military aid to stabilize the nation before April elections

New China port in Peru is about growth, but the sky is not falling

New China port in Peru is about growth, but the sky is not falling

In fact, a rational look at what’s happening economically might inspire a silver lining

60 years since coup, Brazilians call on US to declassify its role
Latin America

60 years since coup, Brazilians call on US to declassify its role

Washington was not only behind the putschists, but drew up plans for a possible invasion and sent a task force to support the military plotters

Is China really horning in on regional banks?
Latin America

Is China really horning in on regional banks?

US policymakers raise alarms at an international financial institution in the Americas

Latin America

Biden, don't let differences over Ukraine tank your relations with Lula

The bad blood between the US and Brazil actually goes way back, but upcoming meetings provide chances for new collaboration.

Latin America

Lula reintroducing Brazil on the world stage

The country's new president will be in Washington this week looking to work with the US but also set his own path.