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rules-based order

What makes a UN decision binding?
Global Crises

What makes a UN decision binding?

Experts say the US is hurting its international standing by insisting that a recent call for a ceasefire in Gaza is 'non-binding'

Fixing the rules-based order: Start with the UN
Global Crises

Fixing the rules-based order: Start with the UN

The US must learn to walk the walk when it comes to international laws and norms. It can start here.

North America

The isolationism specter is such a canard

Paul Poast is wrong when he says US foreign policy has always 'hinged on the debate between engaging or not engaging with the world'

Global Crises

Why it would be better if this Democracy Summit never happened

The Biden administration risks the charge of hypocrisy as it picks and chooses which authoritarians are in, and which are out.


What America's seizure of websites says about the 'rules-based' order

Rules are by definition things that apply universally, so it’s hard to convince the world to respect them if you consistently violate them.