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revolving door

Former NSA chief revolves through OpenAI's door
Military Industrial Complex

Former NSA chief revolves through OpenAI's door

General Nakasone was just appointed to the board — which doesn't inspire confidence in the company's 'non-military' future

Navy Admiral’s bribery charges expose greater rot in the system
Military Industrial Complex

Navy Admiral’s bribery charges expose greater rot in the system

When will members of Congress who place shilling for special interests above crafting an effective defense policy face the music?

North America

DoD: Retired US officers marching into work for foreign governments

DoD laundry list exposes how much money is on offer for military brass looking to cash in on their connections and influence

Washington Politics

The well-traveled road from member of Congress to foreign agent

Since 2000, nearly 100 former lawmakers have become lobbyists for countries like Saudi Arabia and China in Washington.

Military Industrial Complex

Groups urge Congress to strengthen rules on defense lobbying

The greased revolving door from the Pentagon to the weapons industry gives former officials easy access for influence peddling.

The revolving door keeps on spinning
Washington Politics

The revolving door keeps on spinning

Seemingly strict lobbying rules haven't stopped Biden from recruiting people who spent the Trump years cashing in on their government experience.