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The moderate wins in Iran. So what does it mean for the US?
Middle East

The moderate wins in Iran. So what does it mean for the US?

Pezeshkian's presidency is downplayed by those who never see diplomatic opportunities. They are wrong.

Could a reformist actually win the Iranian presidential election?
Middle East

Could a reformist actually win the Iranian presidential election?

There is one moderate among a parade of hardliners contending to replace the late Ebrahim Raisi

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.
Middle East

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.

Tehran deserves to be admonished over its nuclear activities, but doing so now would be a strategic misstep

Is Biden taking the Iran nuclear deal off life support?
Middle East

Is Biden taking the Iran nuclear deal off life support?

If the JCPOA really is dead, as a top State Department appointee declared last week, that's an own goal for the US and a huge risk for regional security

Middle East

Iran's nuclear program poses problems for China and the US

Are Beijing and Washington drifting toward a new cold war that inhibits any kind of effective cooperation on the nuclear issue?

Washington Politics

Joe Biden's foreign policy: A year in review

The president's handling of the war in Ukraine has largely been the sole bright spot in an otherwise status quo oriented U.S. posture.