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Neville Chamberlain
Global Crises

It's time to retire the Munich analogy

Neoconservatives keep trotting it out to justify costly and dangerous interventions

Why US foreign policy today is a form of 'isolationism'
Washington Politics

Why US foreign policy today is a form of 'isolationism'

Those throwing around the epithet are the ones driving us to be more alone in the world

What it means when someone calls you an 'isolationist'
Washington Politics

What it means when someone calls you an 'isolationist'

When war-boosters like Max Boot don’t have a comeback, they turn to smears

North America

The isolationism specter is such a canard

Paul Poast is wrong when he says US foreign policy has always 'hinged on the debate between engaging or not engaging with the world'

Washington Politics

Survey: Americans want to scale back military entanglements

But Morning Consult should be taken to task for calling this impulse a 'preference for isolationism' versus 'engagement.'

Washington Politics

Kupchan’s ‘Isolationism’ revives myth, sets up restraint as maybe going too far

In his attempt to chart the pejorative use of the word, the author seems to be warning against too much disentanglement as well.