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iraq war anniversary

Iraq war Army soldiers Baghdad
Middle East

The ghosts of the Iraq War still haunt me, and our foreign policy

As a young National Guardsman I reported for duty on March 21, 2003. Why are there still troops there today?

North America

AIPAC, FDD websites erase all evidence of their Iraq War cheerleading

They aren’t alone in trying to memory-hole their roles in pushing false WMD and Iraq-9/11 connections.

Middle East

The Iraq War was dominated by groupthink and absolutely no humility

As a result, Washington policymakers barreled in 20 years ago with no real awareness of what would happen.

This diplomat tried to tell us Saddam didn’t have WMD
Middle East

This diplomat tried to tell us Saddam didn’t have WMD

Former UN inspector Rolf Ekéus wants you to know that the Bush administration blew off a plan that might have avoided the war in Iraq.

Middle East

Reflecting on the 'Powell Doctrine' and why we should revive it

The former secretary of state ignored his instincts and helped set off one of the worst foreign policy blunders in history.


Iraq War lesson: 'preventative wars' are illegal wars, period.

For the last 20 years the US has treated the sovereignty of states as conditional, reserving the right to attack when it chooses.