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Military Industrial Complex

Behind every scene in Top Gun, War Inc. steps up to take its bows

Entertaining? Yes. But also a certified fresh start for the military industrial complex, which gets a starring role.


'Rambo' rides again? Switching roles and purifying souls in Ukraine

Like the third installment of the Stallone series, America is trying to reimagine itself while never acknowledging failures of the past.

'Munich' is a lost opportunity to rewrite the wrong lessons of appeasement

'Munich' is a lost opportunity to rewrite the wrong lessons of appeasement

The film fails to make the broader strategic critique: that states that are in no position to fight, shouldn't — or risk losing it all.

Middle East

Who's got the spice? Dune and the never-ending white savior story

Unfortunately, the American fantasy of consensual occupation helped sustain our very real post-9/11 wars for 20 years.