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cold war

NATO mark rutte jens stoltenberg

NATO countries spending 3%? That's empire.

Mark Rutte wants Cold War spending but Russia is in no way the same adversary, calling into question real motives


Is China's Xi era marked by primacy or something else?

Let's take a look through a historical, realist lens

PBS on William F. Buckley: Not quite getting it ‘right’
Washington Politics

PBS on William F. Buckley: Not quite getting it ‘right’

A new documentary leaves out his shifting post-Cold War views, particularly on the Iraq War and neocons.


On 75th Anniversary, NATO is at a serious crossroads

It can continue a cold war trajectory by isolating and provoking Russia, or help end the war in Ukraine

Is China really horning in on regional banks?
Latin America

Is China really horning in on regional banks?

US policymakers raise alarms at an international financial institution in the Americas

Sorry AP: Mitch McConnell is no Ronald Reagan
Washington Politics

Sorry AP: Mitch McConnell is no Ronald Reagan

The paper deploys the usual neoconservative trope that their foreign policies are the same. They are not.