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Sina Toossi

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.
Middle East

The IAEA is readying to censure Iran. It shouldn't.

Tehran deserves to be admonished over its nuclear activities, but doing so now would be a strategic misstep

Biden had a chance to undo Trump's mistakes. He dropped the ball.
Middle East

Biden had a chance to undo Trump's mistakes. He dropped the ball.

He squandered the chance to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, and instead doubled-down.

Rep. Gerry Connolly
Middle East

How members of Congress can take on Iran hawks

During a recent House hearing, Rep. Gerry Connolly thoroughly dismantled arguments in favor of a more militaristic approach.

Middle East

Iran's Supreme Leader opens space for possible nuclear deal

Since Ayatollah Khamenei holds the final authority in all foreign policy matters, his diplomatic language here provides crucial insights.

Middle East

Iran's 2020 attack on US base underscored maximum pressure folly

Tehran’s response to the Soleimani assassination two years ago provided more evidence of why the nuke deal withdrawal was a total failure.