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Peter Rutland

A Putin collapse? The dangers of wishful thinking

A Putin collapse? The dangers of wishful thinking

Some say that like the USSR, the current Russian presidency is brittle. But they are overlooking a lot


Why the Black Sea is becoming ground zero in the Ukraine War

Kyiv's counteroffensive efforts have focused on cutting Russia off from Crimea, while the grain export deal continues to falter.

Military Industrial Complex

Will Russia use nukes in Ukraine?

Frustration over lack of gains has prompted some among the Russian elite to float going nuclear.


Why pushing for the break up of Russia is absolute folly

Even the most vociferous opposition leaders say creating new states out of the federation would be fraught with disaster. Here's why.


Why Putin's attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure could backfire

If history is any indication, Russia's campaign of strikes on power stations is unlikely to yield a strategic advantage.