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Joe Cirincione


Let’s curb loose talk of using lower-yield nuclear weapons

There’s no such thing as a limited atomic war but some are raising the issue as the conflict in Ukraine grinds on.


Coming to terms with the nuclear risks of the Ukraine war

The US and Russia both have integrated doomsday weapons into conventional war plans. The risk is low but it isn't zero.

Global Crises

New scientific review punctures myth of missile defense

The study found that US systems wouldn’t be effective against even a limited North Korean attack, let alone a more sophisticated one from Russia or China.

Middle East

Hawks restart campaign for war with Iran

With negotiations to rejoin the nuclear deal showing promise, JCPOA opponents are going all in.


The dual nature of China’s nuclear modernization

Beijing's efforts must be seen in the context of an equally aggressive U.S. nuclear posture, and met with arms control, not an arms race.