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Christopher Mott


What drove Russia's invader turn?

A new book looks at the 'balance of threat theory' and asks us to see beyond cult of personality and ideological motivations

Bibi's push for a long war undermines Israel’s best friend — America
Middle East

Bibi's push for a long war undermines Israel’s best friend — America

US priorities in the Middle East are warped by the special relationship with Israel

The undeniable emptiness of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’
Global Crises

The undeniable emptiness of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’

The doctrine was always a la carte, evident in the silence of the most strident humanitarian interventionists today


What's so bad about 'aggressive neutrality'?

Imran Khan may have found out the hard way that not toeing the US line on Ukraine — or anything else — can be dangerous.

Global Crises

Tell me how this ends: If recent history is a guide, not with a knockout blow

Maximalists look at WWII and think the Ukraine war can take a similar path. But that's not how conflicts have trended in decades since.