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Oliver Stone: on being 19 in war, and for a county addicted to it
Video Section

Oliver Stone: on being 19 in war, and for a county addicted to it

The fabled director opens up on Vietnam, as well as the challenges of a free media and speech, today. (VIDEO)

What the Ukraine war has in common with Vietnam

What the Ukraine war has in common with Vietnam

The establishment keeps coming up with convenient answers, but always to the wrong question.

Lt.Calley, the only officer convicted for My Lai massacre, dead at 80

Lt.Calley, the only officer convicted for My Lai massacre, dead at 80

His role in the 1968 slaughter of over 100 Vietnamese was a feature, not a bug, in the ill-fated US war in Southeast Asia

Kissinger, one hagiography at a time
Washington Politics

Kissinger, one hagiography at a time

In his boyhood home in Germany, love for the late diplomatic giant is in the eye of the beholder

The passing of a Republican anti-war, anti-AIPAC fighter
Washington Politics

The passing of a Republican anti-war, anti-AIPAC fighter

A veteran himself, Rep. Pete McCloskey railed against the Vietnam War, and continued to question US interventions until his death on May 8

What the US can learn from Vietnam's Four No's

What the US can learn from Vietnam's Four No's

Amid deepening ties, Washington should recognize that Hanoi's regional strategy sits far beyond any singular focus on China