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The tightening Pacific web: A move toward Asian NATO?

The tightening Pacific web: A move toward Asian NATO?

Biden administration aims to reinforce hub-and-spoke model for U.S. supremacy in the Indo-Pacific.


Is China's Xi era marked by primacy or something else?

Let's take a look through a historical, realist lens

Washington Politics

Russia down, NATO up in poll of European, Asian countries

Biden's ratings are strong overall among these respondents, even if he is struggling with public opinion at home.

Washington Politics

Pushing back on the 'Indo-Pacific' cliche

Many of the countries now lumped under this made-up rubric are wary of being drawn into a great power rivalry between the U.S. and China.


The 'cold war' has already turned hot — on the internet

America’s most urgent infrastructure vulnerability is largely invisible and unlikely to be fixed by Biden's $2 trillion American Jobs Plan.