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media bias

Why American war and election news coverage is so rotten

Why American war and election news coverage is so rotten

It's not 'conspiratorial' to wonder about corporate control and the lack of options

The Sunday talk shows on Israel-Gaza: The blob still reigns

The Sunday talk shows on Israel-Gaza: The blob still reigns

Unsurprisingly, numbers show how one-sided and detached America’s elite newsmakers really are.

Middle East

Iranian weapons are more newsworthy than Made in USA killers

When it comes to American arms fueling foreign conflicts, our media has a tendency to fall into some serious double standards.


Hawkish experts dominate mainstream Ukraine coverage

Since the Russian invasion in February, elite outlets have leaned on a very narrow range of monolithic sources for their reporting.

Iraq War Lesson: the seduction may be sweet but the hangover is hell

Iraq War Lesson: the seduction may be sweet but the hangover is hell

As with Iraq, there seems to be a coordinated mainstream media effort to drag America into a new war. Don't let them.

Symposium: From Iraq to Ukraine, has the media learned its lesson?

Symposium: From Iraq to Ukraine, has the media learned its lesson?

For the 19th anniversary of the Baghdad invasion, over a dozen journalists and critics compare coverage then, and today.