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Washington Politics

I was there: Carter tried to put the human in Realpolitik

As a member of his National Security Council, I saw how the president built a team and rose to the challenges of the Middle East and Soviet Union

Israel using US election to take  free hand against Gaza, Lebanon
Middle East

Israel using US election to take  free hand against Gaza, Lebanon

But even as a lame duck, will Biden do the right thing? Likely not.

Is Biden too weak or unwilling to stop a 'Sarajevo moment'?
Middle East

Is Biden too weak or unwilling to stop a 'Sarajevo moment'?

War with Iran could be imminent. The commander-in-chief's obligation is to put our interests first, not Israel's

NATO’s 75th birthday party: All balloons, no brass tacks

NATO’s 75th birthday party: All balloons, no brass tacks

Which is unfortunate, given Biden's travails and the high stakes in Ukraine right now


On 75th Anniversary, NATO is at a serious crossroads

It can continue a cold war trajectory by isolating and provoking Russia, or help end the war in Ukraine