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Lyle J. Goldstein

US Ambassador john sullivan russia

John Sullivan: Biden’s Failed Diplomat in Moscow

New memoir unintentionally lays bare his own missteps in the ‘march to war’ with Russia

nuclear icebreaker Chukotka

Trump can leverage the Arctic to end Ukraine War

Russia and China want to trade in the Northern Sea Route. Consider it a bargaining chip that could benefit the West, too.


Is the Ukraine War moving toward a 'Korea solution'?

Just like 70 years ago on the peninsula, an armistice would immediately freeze fighting along the present line of contact.

Washington Politics

A brazen foray into the Barents yields predictable Cold War-type friction

Tangling with the Russian bear above, and especially under, the seas does not comport with U.S. national security interests.


How a few tweets helped lead HR McMaster to envision a new cold war with China

Former Trump national security adviser HR McMaster's essay calling for the U.S. to take a more confrontational stance on China falls flat.