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Hunter Derensis

 Live in Fear (1955)  Akira Kurosawa

Dr. Kurosawa (and how we can learn to fear the bomb again)

When did they stop making movies about nuclear armageddon?


How a Super Bowl whitewash of Tillman cover-up was a helpful reminder

20 years later, have we really come to terms with how far the government went to manipulate public opinion into war?

Middle East

Loser Liz Cheney: We knew ye, and that was the problem

For 20 years she remained committed to using American power as a blunt force instrument, including torture and endless war.

Separated by a century: The doomed narcissism of Generals Petraeus and Miles
Military Industrial Complex

Separated by a century: The doomed narcissism of Generals Petraeus and Miles

They were the media darlings of their times, but we are still living with 'King David's' mistakes and his love affair with the press.

Washington Politics

Walter Q. Gresham was a real restrainer’s secretary of state

Antony Blinken should be taking notes, as President Cleveland's top diplomat stood against imperial foreign policy when it counted.