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Graham E. Fuller

Iran-Bahrain talks on horizon signal more sunset on US hegemony

Iran-Bahrain talks on horizon signal more sunset on US hegemony

Evidence that Washington can no longer dictate the order of enemies in the Middle East

Middle East

Turkey's elections: What’s at stake?

To expect that a leadership change will fundamentally change Turkey's long-term geopolitical orientation would be a mistake.

Global Crises

In great power diplomacy, is China beating US at its own game?

Washington can learn something about not letting ideology get in the way of conflict resolution and economic development.


Turkey on Russia's invasion of Ukraine: It's complicated

Despite NATO membership, Ankara's interests across Eurasia likely won't bring it into direct conflict with Moscow.

Global Crises

Time to smash the urge of imperial strategic groupthink

The hegemonic imperative has led to grand failure. Ignoring that will lead to the same mistakes when we 'pivot' to East Asia.