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Andrew Latham

What an even stronger Modi might mean for US-India relations

What an even stronger Modi might mean for US-India relations

The US and India appear committed to alignment but there may be trouble lurking just beneath the surface


What accounts for this sharp Canadian shift against China?

After years of engagement and accommodation, Trudeau's government is taking a much tougher tone with Beijing and it shows.


What if China is not rising, making it more dangerous?

In their new book, Hal Brands and Michael Beckley make suspect analogies to Germany and Japan to argue why Beijing may seek conflict.

Washington Politics

Exploring ‘resolute restraint’ as an alternative to liberal internationalism

A new book tries, but largely fails, to bridge the gap between two camps of US grand strategy.


‘Peak China’ and the prospects for a US offshore balancing strategy

Conditions that drove competitive fears that defined the post-World War II and Cold War eras don’t exist today.