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There is no 'plan for Palestine' because Israel doesn't want one
Middle East

There is no 'plan for Palestine' because Israel doesn't want one

Washington is dealing on a completely different plane than Tel Aviv, which has never supported Arab sovereignty, period

Biden's Gaza policy risks re-election but pleases his wealthiest donors
Washington Politics

Biden's Gaza policy risks re-election but pleases his wealthiest donors

Courting rich pro-Israel supporters at the expense of a significant swath of voters may cost the president in November

Blinken rocks out on a road to nowhere

Blinken rocks out on a road to nowhere

The Secretary of State delivered remarks to Ukraine this week that paint a rosy scenario defying reality

$320M US military pier to open for business, but storms ahead

$320M US military pier to open for business, but storms ahead

A number of key questions about security and the safe passage of the aid into Gaza.

Trump's big idea: Deploy assassination teams to Mexico
North America

Trump's big idea: Deploy assassination teams to Mexico

His plan to kill drug kingpins to solve the American opioid crisis will backfire dramatically

When ancient history meets a modern conflict

When ancient history meets a modern conflict

On the passing of Pyotr Tolochko, a Ukrainian historian, academic, and politician